IELTS Reading

The IELTS Reading section is a crucial component of your IELTS exam, designed to test your ability to understand and interpret written English. Previously, I discussed IELTS Listening. If you haven’t read that yet, I suggest you do so before continuing with this post. In your IELTS exam, the Writing section is the second part. After completing the Listening section, you will proceed to the Reading module. In the Reading module, you will read passages and answer questions. In my opinion, it is more challenging than the Listening section. Today, we will delve into the details of the IELTS Reading section. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through this section with ease. Let’s start with an overview.


As mentioned, the Reading section is the second part of your IELTS exam. It consists of 3 sections, each with 13-14 questions, totaling 40 questions. Just like in the Listening module, each question is worth one mark. The passages in the IELTS Reading section are taken from a variety of sources, including journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. These texts are on topics of general interest and are intended for a non-specialist audience. At least one passage will present a detailed logical argument, challenging you to identify the main ideas, supporting details, and the writer’s opinion or purpose.

You’ll have 60 minutes to tackle all the questions, and no extra time is given since you must write your answers directly on the answer sheet. For tips on excelling in the Reading section, check out my previous article on IELTS Preparation Methods.

Question Types

The IELTS Reading section features a range of question types designed to test different reading skills. Here are some common question types you may encounter:

✔️ Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer from a list of options.
✔️ True/False/Not Given: Determine whether the information in the passage is true, false, or not given.
✔️ Matching Information: Match headings, features, or information to parts of the passage.
✔️ Sentence Completion: Complete sentences with words taken from the passage.
✔️ Summary, Note, Table, or Flow-chart Completion: Fill in the gaps in a summary, notes, table, or flow-chart with information from the passage.
✔️ Short-answer Questions: Answer questions using words from the passage.


Each question in the Reading section is worth one mark. Your raw score out of 40 is converted to the IELTS 9-band scale. This scale ranges from 1 (non-user) to 9 (expert user). Here’s a rough guide to help you understand how your raw score might translate to the band score:

Raw Score (Out of 40)Band Score
39-40 correct answers: Band 9
37-38 correct answers: Band 8.5
35-36 correct answers: Band 8
32-34 correct answers: Band 7.5
30-31 correct answers: Band 7
26-29 correct answers: Band 6.5
23-25 correct answers: Band 6
19-22 correct answers: Band 5.5
15-18 correct answers: Band 5
13-14 correct answers: Band 4.5

Tips for Success

Skim and Scan: Develop your skimming and scanning skills to quickly locate information in the passage.
Understand the Question Types: Familiarize yourself with the different question types and practice them regularly.
Manage Your Time: Allocate your time wisely. Spend about 20 minutes on each section and move on if you get stuck on a question.
Practice Regularly: Regular practice with IELTS reading materials will help you become more comfortable with the format and improve your speed and accuracy.

Understanding IELTS Reading Scores

Band 9:
Expert level. Understands complex ideas effortlessly with complete accuracy.
Band 8.5:
Very proficient. Rarely makes mistakes and comprehends nuanced language well.
Band 8:
Strong performance. Handles complex topics effectively with occasional errors.
Band 7.5:
Good user. Understands detailed reasoning and copes well in most situations.
Band 7:
Competent. Grasps main points in demanding contexts but with occasional mistakes.
Band 6.5:
Competent with some flaws. Understands detailed information but may struggle with complex language.
Band 6:
Adequate. Handles basic communication in familiar situations but with noticeable errors.
Band 5.5:
Modest user. Understands main points but struggles with unfamiliar topics and makes frequent mistakes.
Band 5:
Limited user. Understands general meaning but has difficulty with detailed information.
Band 4.5:
Limited ability. Grasps simple communication but lacks accuracy and fluency.

The IELTS Reading section can be challenging, but with a clear understanding of its structure and regular practice, you can achieve a high score. For more tips and strategies, check out our other articles on IELTS preparation. Happy studying!

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